How to Reduce Stretch Marks & Improve Your Skin Texture

The Science Behind Stretch Marks, How to Avoid and Treat Them.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks, also known as striae or striae distensae, are a common skin condition that occurs when the dermis (the middle layer of our skin) is stretched beyond its natural limit. It causes lines or streaks to form on the surface of the skin. They can occur anywhere on the body but are typically found in areas with higher amounts of fat, such as on the abdomen, breasts, upper arms and thighs.

Stretch marks can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or ethnicity. Many factors can cause stretch marks including pregnancy and weight increase /weight loss due to dieting or muscle building. These visible lines appear when the connective tissue under your skin breaks down due to excessive stretching caused by rapid growth over a short period of time.

stretch marks removal during pregnancy

It is common to develop stretch marks during hormonal changes in pregnant women, during adolescent growth spurts and sudden weight loss.

What causes stretch marks?

When the skin is stretched too quickly, it can cause the dermis to tear or rupture and create small wounds (also called striae). The body then produces collagen to repair these wounds and as a result, new scars form in the shape of lines. Over time, they become lighter in colour with purple or reddish-brown hues being the most common in appearance.

stretch marks remedy shea butter and cocoa butter Early stretch marks are easier to treat than mature stretch marks. The former can be often faded with the use of topical applications of hyaluronic acid, almond oil, shea butter and vitamin E. The latter requires more specialistic stretch mark removal treatment such as laser treatments or microneedling treatment.

Different types of stretch marks

There are three types of stretch marks that you may encounter.

Red/purple stretch marks

These include red/purple (striae rubra), white/silver (striae alba) and atrophic scars. Red/purple stretch marks are the most common type and appear as raised, reddish or purple lines on the skin. They can be itchy and sore when touched and dark brown in appearance.

White/silver stretch marks

White/silver stretch marks are the result of collagen and elastin breakdown in deeper layers of the skin, appearing in the form of white or silvery lines.

stretch marks removal - types of stretch marks

Atrophic scars

Atrophic scars can form as a result of very severe and deep tears in the skin’s layers, which are often difficult to treat without medical intervention.

New and old

Stretch marks can be also divided by occurrence - new and old.

Newer stretch marks feel slightly raised, but these are softer and can still be repaired with proper care, massages and topical application creams. Mature stretch marks are more difficult to treat.  

5 Common Causes of stretch marks

1. Pregnancy:

During pregnancy, the abdominal area often increases in size due to weight gain and expansion. This can cause stretch marks to form on the stomach and breasts areas.

2. Weight Gain or Loss:

Significant changes in weight over a short period of time can cause stretch marks due to rapid stretching of the skin’s surface.

3. Puberty:

Rapid growth during adolescence or puberty can also cause stretch marks due to hormone changes and growth spurts that increase body mass and fat distribution which causes frequent skin stretching.

4. Genetics:

Some people are more prone to developing stretch marks due to genetic factors that weaken their connective tissue making it more vulnerable to tearing when stretched quickly over time.

5. Medication:

Certain medications such as steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs can also increase the risk of developing stretch marks due to their impact on hormones and skin tissue.stretch marks removal through topical application

There are many expensive remedies on the market AKA specialist creams with very little evidence these actually work. Before you start a treatment seek advice from your dermatologist.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks?

The good news is that there are effective treatments available to diminish the appearance of stretch marks. Treatment options range from topical creams and lotions to laser therapy, dermabrasion, chemical peels and microneedling. These treatments can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks by stimulating collagen production, reducing redness and improving skin elasticity. However, results may vary depending on the severity of the stretch marks as well as factors such as age, genetics and lifestyle habits.

Stretch marks are often caused by sudden growth or weight gain/loss Stretch marks are often caused by sudden growth or weight gain/loss during puberty growth spurts.

7 ways how to prevent stretch marks

1. Maintain a healthy weight:

Rapid changes in weight can cause the skin to stretch quickly and lead to the appearance of stretch marks.

2. Stay hydrated:

Proper hydration helps keep your skin elastic, preventing it from stretching too much too quickly. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day for the best results.

3. Eat healthy foods:

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is essential for maintaining strong and healthy skin tissue which will help prevent stretch marks from forming.

firmer skin through healthy diet and exercise.

Prevention is always easier and rather than treating stretch marks once they occur is good to take prevention steps that lead to firmer skin such as a healthy diet and exercise.

4. Exercise regularly:

Regular physical activity helps maintain muscle tone and keeps your body lean, reducing the chances of developing newer stretch marks due to rapid weight gain or loss.

5. Use moisturizers:

Regular use of moisturizers can help keep your skin hydrated and prevent stretch marks from forming.

6. Avoid over-exposure to the sun:

Being in the sun for too long can cause your skin to become dry, making it more susceptible to tearing when stretched.

7. Wear comfortable clothing:

Tight clothes that constantly rub against your skin can cause friction which can weaken collagen fibres and lead to the formation of stretch marks.

By following these tips you should be able to reduce the risk of developing stretch marks significantly, however, if you do find yourself already with some, don’t worry as there are still options available to reduce their appearance. Talk to a dermatologist or skincare specialist who will be able to recommend the best approach for you.

 treating stretch marks with laserBoard-certified dermatologists advise treating stretch marks with in-office procedures combining various treatments. This is especially important for sensitive skin with laser stretch mark removal which can significantly reduce stretch marks by stimulating your cells to produce new collagen.


10 ingredients that can reduce the appearance of stretch marks when applied topically

1. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera has been used for centuries to treat a variety of skin problems, including stretch marks. It contains compounds that help reduce redness and inflammation, as well as increase collagen for improved elasticity and improved skin texture.

2. Cocoa Butter:

Cocoa butter is one of the most popular natural remedies for treating stretch marks due to its ability to soften and hydrate the skin while improving elasticity.

3. Vitamin A

Creams or Ointments: Retinoids are commonly prescribed by dermatologists due to their ability to increase collagen and improve skin tone.

Coconut oil  reduce the appearance of stretch marks

4. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids which helps moisturize the skin deeply and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

5. Olive Oil:

Rich in antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids, olive oil can help moisturize skin while increasing elasticity to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

6. Topical tretinoin (retinoic acid)

Topical tretinoin (retinoic acid) treating stretch marks is the most studied and effective method of reducing their appearance. Topical tretinoin works by increasing the production of collagen in the skin, which helps to thicken it and make it more elastic. It also increases blood flow to the area which helps speed up healing. Studies have shown that using topical tretinoin for at least three months can reduce the appearance of stretch marks by up to 50%.

7. Coenzyme q10

Q10 can also be helpful in treating stretch marks through topical management.

It can help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks by increasing the production of collagen and elastin in the affected area. This helps to result in fewer and less visible stretch marks. Additionally, Coenzyme q10 is also thought to possess anti-inflammatory properties which can help soothe redness and irritation caused by stretch marks. To maximize its effects, Coenzyme q10 can be applied directly to the affected area or taken orally as a dietary supplement.

Home remedies stretch mark treatmentsSome effective home remedies when it comes to stretch mark treatments include vitamin e, shea butter olive oil, q10 and hyaluronic acid.

8. Alfalfa Powder:

Alfalfa powder is rich in plant compounds that possess anti-inflammatory effects which can help improve skin texture and reduce the risk of developing new stretch marks.

9. Shea Butter:

Shea butter has been used for centuries to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. It is high in fatty acids, which help moisturize the skin while improving elasticity and texture.

10. Vitamin C Serum:

Vitamin C is essential for collagen and can help improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of stretch marks when applied topically.

By following a combination of these prevention tips and incorporating ingredients into your skincare regimen, you should be able to significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks with time. However, if over-the-counter products don’t seem to be working for you, it might be best to consult a dermatologist or skincare specialist who can help develop an effective treatment.

Scrubs and stretch mark creams fade stretch marks.  Scrubs and stretch mark creams fade stretch marks.

Can taking supplements help in the reduction of stretch marks?

Yes, taking certain supplements can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Vitamin C, E and zinc are essential for collagen, which helps improve skin elasticity. Vitamin A and antioxidants also help reduce inflammation and promote cell turnover to minimize discolouration of the skin. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids can help keep your skin hydrated and prevent new stretch marks from forming. Taking a daily multivitamin is also recommended as it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to support healthy skin. However, be sure to consult with a physician before starting any supplement regimen as some may interact with existing medications or medical conditions.

microdermabrasion stretch marks removeYou can attempt to stretch marks remove via certain treatment options. Especially mature stretch mark appearance via can be successful via microdermabrasion which removes a thin layer of the skin and improves the appearance of the skin's surface.

Home remedies that can help stretch marks fade

Home remedies are a great way to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The following treatments can be done in the comfort of your own home:


Exfoliating the skin regularly helps remove dead skin cells and increases collagen production for improved elasticity.


Massaging the area with natural oils or creams can help improve circulation, reduce inflammation and moisturize the skin.drinking water prevents formation of new stretch marks

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera helps soothe and hydrate the skin while reducing redness and discolouration of stretch marks.


Turmeric is rich in antioxidants which can help brighten skin and reduce discolouration caused by stretch m


Staying adequately hydrated helps keep skin elastic and may minimize the formation of new stretch marks.

Dry brushing reduce the appearance of stretch marks

Dry brushing

Dry brushing is also a great way to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Dry brushing helps to exfoliate the skin and stimulate circulation, which can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks over time.

Cold showers

Cold showers can also help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The cold water helps to constrict blood vessels, which improves circulation and reduces inflammation. Additionally, cold showers help tighten skin tissues to promote the healing process of stretch marks.

Cold showers can also help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

7 Stretch mark removal treatments that are effective

Here are effective treatments that can help remove stretch marks:

1. Laser therapy:

Laser therapy uses light energy to target skin cells and stimulate collagen production for improved elasticity and a smoother appearance.

2. Microdermabrasion:

This treatment helps fade stretch marks by removing the top layer of damaged skin cells and stimulating new cell growth.

3. Chemical peels

Chemical peels can help reduce discolouration caused by stretch marks and increase collagen production for improved elasticity.

Laser therapy uses light energy to target skin cells and stimulate collagen production for improved elasticity and a smoother appearance.

4. Microneedling:

This treatment uses tiny needles to puncture the skin surface andalf, the combination of home remedies and professional treatments can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

5. Steroid injections:

These injections can be used to reduce inflammation and stimulate collagen production in the area of stretch marks.

6. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy:

PRP therapy uses a patient's own plasma to stimulate collagen production and improve elasticity in the areas of stretch marks.

7. Creams/Lotions:

There are also many over-the-counter creams and lotions that can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks by hydrating skin, improving circulation, and reducing inflammation.

A diet can help improve skin health and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Is it possible to improve stretch marks through a diet?

A diet can help improve skin health and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins is recommended to provide your body with all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it needs for healthy skin.

Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids can help keep your skin hydrated and prevent newer stretch marks.

In general, a combination of diet, lifestyle changes, topical treatments, supplements, and home remedies can be effective at reducing the appearance of existing stretch marks while preventing new ones from forming. With patience and persistence, you should be able to achieve noticeable results with the appearance of stretch marks.

Which Potion Organic products can help with stretch marks?

Hand and body butter is rich in shea butter, which is known to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Our creamy butter has mango and shea butters, apricot kernel oil, glycerine, and hyaluronic acid - plus vitamin E and C-enriched mangos for an extra layer of protection from environmental stressors. And with its non-greasy formula, it won’t leave your hands feeling sticky or oily. Shea Butter is renowned for its many skin benefits, being rich in fatty acids such as linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid. When applied topically, these fats penetrate deep into the skin and act as a refatting agent, replenishing lipids and restoring moisture to the skin. shea butter, tamanu oil , olive oil for stretch marks

Our Skin Firming Body Oil contains unique blend of ingredients, including Q10, Carrot Extract, Avocado Oil and Wheat Germ Oil that help to improve the health of your skin.

Wheat germ oil can help reduce stretch marks due to its high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids which are quickly absorbed into the skin. Vitamin A helps to boost cell generation while vitamin D supports the prevention of new stretch marks from forming. The antioxidant benefits provided by B vitamins helps protect the collagen and elastin fibres in your skin against damage caused by harmful free radicals. The fatty acids found in wheatgerm oil also help to plump up any areas affected by stretch marks and provide essential moisture to assist with healing.

Q10 and Carrot Extract are also beneficial for skin health as they contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce redness and swelling associated with stretch marks. By using our Skin-firming Body Oil you can improve the health of your skin while effectively reducing the appearance of stretch marks.Perfect moment body balm can help reduce stretch marks.

Perfect Moment body balm is one of the most popular products in our range which can help reduce stretch marks. Our Perfect Moment body balm contains Tamanu oil, a natural ingredient with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that helps to heal stretch marks. It also contains exotic butters such as shea butter, cocoa butter and mango butter, hemp seed oil, avocado oil, olive oil to nourish the skin. With regular use of our Perfect Moment body balm, you can expect to see a reduction in the appearance of stretch marks as well as brighter and smoother skin. Try it today and experience the luxurious benefits of cocoa butter for yourself!